Put-call parity for chooser options

Put-call parity for chooser options

Author: seolink.ru Date of post: 13.07.2017

Embed Interactive Demonstration New! Files require Wolfram CDF Player or Mathematica. This Demonstration illustrates the price and "greeks" for chooser options in comparison to those for regular put and call options.

What's the pricing formula for Chooser Option - Actuarial Outpost

Chooser options are a type of exotic option that, at some pre-specified time in the future, can be converted into either a put or call option with expiry and strike. The price of a chooser option, , thus tends to be higher than that of the corresponding call or put, or.

The amount of extra value depends on and: As tends to , tends to. It can be shown using general put-call parity considerations that, for , a chooser option is equivalent to a portfolio comprising a call option with strike and expiry together with a put option with strike and expiry assuming a constant interest rate. Within the Black—Scholes model, chooser options can therefore be priced using the solutions for call and put options.

Wolfram Demonstrations Project

In this Demonstration, the price of chooser options is explored, as well as the derivative of the value function with respect to the various input parameters the "greeks": For convenience, we assume zero dividends. This is because at , the chooser option will become either a put or call option, which will have roughly opposite deltas at the money.

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Therefore, the delta of the chooser option will tend to change very quickly around , and hence gamma is large. Hull, Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives , New Jersey: Haug , The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas , 2nd ed.

Black—Scholes Theory Wolfram MathWorld. Just copy and paste this snippet of JavaScript code into your website or blog to put the live Demonstration on your site. Related Demonstrations More by Author Options: Time Value Peter Falloon Pricing Power Options in the Black-Scholes Model Peter Falloon Basic Option Trading Strategies Peter Falloon Options Board Using Black-Scholes Prices Peter Falloon Barrier Option Pricing within the Black-Scholes Model Peter Falloon Option Prices in Merton's Jump Diffusion Model Peter Falloon Real Options Roger J.

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put-call parity for chooser options

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put-call parity for chooser options

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put-call parity for chooser options

American Call and Put Option Andrzej Kozlowski. Distribution of Returns from Merton's Jump Diffusion Model Peter Falloon. Implied Volatility in Merton's Jump Diffusion Model Peter Falloon.

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