Can you make money using spreadshirt

Can you make money using spreadshirt

Author: medin Date of post: 17.07.2017

Make Money , New , Podcasts Comments. You create a free store, upload images, add them to shirts, buttons, hats, and other merchandise. You set your own markups and that becomes your commission when products are sold. Take my Spreadshirt course here and learn how to make money like me! First of all, it reminds me of the opportunities available online and I wanted to do this podcast to help give you ideas — especially those of you who are in niches where there are not a lot of monetization options.

Not to mention the selfies they may take, which can mean even more promotion for you! I create some designs myself and outsource others. PSSSST… Did you know you can get Photoshop for FREE?

can you make money using spreadshirt

Gotta love the convenience of the Internet! And last but not least…when you have a site with traffic, the income can be very passive. I added a banner at the top of my store and reminded people that the shirts make great Christmas gifts. There are two ways to earn….

Imagine if I had used social media more other than Pinterest. I probably would sell a lot more. I admittedly slack in that area, and because of that, my followers are not very engaged. Check out the podcast below. April 27, at 9: I see there is a lot of value to using sites like Spreadshirt or teepublic. But I want to sell shirts independently, directly from my website. Does anyone have an opinion on the pros and cons of selling shirts via drop shipping websites versus selling from your own website using a site like Shopify?

April 27, at You would have to do all the customer service, the shipping, handing problems, ect.

Could be time consuming. Also, would probably be higher costs involved, less profits. I am sure the big places get great deals on the shirts themselves, probably a break on shipping because of volume. Material costs, equipment, shipping and most importantly, what is your time worth?

April 28, at 8: I like a very passive model. February 15, at I am getting started in this field. Can you compare this with Teespring and Sunfrog? July 6, at 4: I recently started designing t-shirts for the purpose of creating passive income. April 20, at Hey Lisa, my name is Henry from Kenya. Does the spreashirt affiliate program enroll members globally or is it only members from Europe and the States that are eligible to apply?

April 21, at 7: You might want to check with them by contacting them through the support form. February 10, at 5: Hey Lisa, I remember reading your blog as one of the first ones I consulted on starting to blog when I started now over 3 years ago. I also find the directions on the Spreadshirt site to not be so clear. I guarantee if you take my Photoshop course you are going to have a whole different perspective of Photoshop.

I used to work at American Airlines and my team lead forced me to learn Photoshop and I was so afraid of it. I teach the course how I wish it had been taught to me. You just need someone to break down the steps. The Spreadshirt course only focuses on the features you need to create your shirt in Photoshop or Paint , but the Photoshop course covers more ground in the software, of course.

If you just want to learn how to create images for your shirt, the Spreadshirt course will show you how easy it truly is. EPS format is really the best format, but truthfully, I never learned how to use Illustrator all that much. So I only use PNG for all my images and the quality is just fine. February 9, at Lisa, you are such a dear.

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I had just started working on a Zazzle store a couple of days ago. And I so agree with you regarding the base price on the products and the structure of the commission. But I was about to go forward with the store anyway. I can kick myself for not listening to this when you first published it.

Commission Program - Earn Money with Spreadshirt Merch

This may be a great option. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I have been so much happier with Spreadshirt. And people always question the quality.

Honestly I think the quality with SS is fine. The one thing I would critique is consistency. For example, I bought a white shirt in a size S and the sleeves were so tight on my tiny arms. Yet the purple shirt in the same size fit fine. So their sizing is a little strange and inconsistent across the colors. However the quality is not an issue. The print stays one through numerous washings.

February 6, at In your Udemy preview you mention your Spreadshirt course is for student who at least have a blog, soical following, Youtube channel. I do have a cat FB page with followers but I only post and share funny cats pic or video. Not sure is it work for Spreadshirt. Can he or she still can benefit from your course.

February 7, at Funny you just asked this today. One of my stores is actually tied to a FB page I own. I show my Spreadshirt earnings from that store here. Looking forward to learn from you. I getting ready for Chinese New Year. February 12, at February 13, at February 19, at 7: Hi Lisa, I have gone through your paint and photoshop video.

Just a quick quesion, is pixlr. February 19, at As long as you can create a high-res PNG file then you can use any program. March 1, at 9: Hi Lisa, I have complete your course and set up my store. How to get the affiliate link direct to your course. From there choose Udemy.

I HATE that Udemy uses Rakuten for the affiliate program.

can you make money using spreadshirt

March 3, at 9: February 5, at 6: I have been struggling to find work for a while now. I am running out of options. I have often thought about running a spredshirt shop, but am unsure. I am on a benefit at the moment so. Do you make alot of money from it to live?

Or do people do it on the side of a job? Would I be able to come off my benefit to do this? This is definitely not something you do full time. November 4, at 5: Lisa, Can I use free editing software like picmonkey to create designs for my t-shirt? November 4, at 3: Try to submit one image to the Spreadshirt marketplace and see if it gets accepted.

October 27, at I love your post about Spreadshirt. And it really inspired me to open a shop, and i did open one today.

However, I have some issues regarding the IRS. Is it right that they require some income tax certificate or something like that? I hope you could help me, big thanks.

May 29, at 7: May 29, at 8: And if you want to learn how to do the same I just released my Spreadshirt Course. May 30, at 7: Looks interesting and pretty doable, Lisa! May 13, at 1: May 5, at 7: Did you create a course for selling on Spreadshirt?

I think you mentioned doing that in this podcast. May 6, at Working on it now. I knocked out 7 videos yesterday. April 3, at 5: Thanks so much for this.

This is an interesting business model, I will definitely check it out. February 20, at 4: March 26, at 2: Hi dear Thanks for openly sharing the good advice, I am convinced that the good karma will come back ten fold! I get bogged down with technicalities so thanks for answering the question above with pixel size and png format.

My question is this, which tshirt company did you find has the best quality prints? I want to print photos of animals for example and cut them out so I will have transparent background , but some of the companies I came across dont print photos because apparently they contain too many colors. Do you make tshirts with pictures? Or only clever text in a few colors?

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Wishing you nothing but success! March 24, at March 17, at 2: March 1, at 7: Hi Lisa, Nice info on Spreadshirt, file size question: Can you tell me what file size and resolution you upload when designing a text type shirt? March 1, at 2: I only use PNG. They are usually flat text or cartoon images.

But if you are working with images that have more detail, you might have to increase this. March 1, at 4: Can you see how the font size is going to look on the shirt as far as the scale? March 1, at 6: I try to make it as large as I can. If you notice, a lot of my shirts are not very wordy. And if I do have multiple lines, there is not a lot of text on each line. That is done strategically.

Do a search for the kind of shirt or theme you going for in Spreadshirt. The top selling shirts show up first. So if you do a search for birthday shirt, notice a theme with the text. Most shirts use larger fonts and if there are multiple lines, the words are minimal on each line.

Studying what is selling in your niche is a great strategy and has helped me a lot. Also keep in mind some are top sellers simply because they have been out there a long time. February 27, at 5: Hello Lisa, I am impressed with how profitable Spreadshirt has been for you. It all sounds so simple.

Thanks for the information and value you add. February 13, at 3: I really enjoy your material. Do you get to keep the rights to your designs for your shirts? Yes you own all rights to images you create which means you can also sell them on other sites like Zazzle, CafePress, offline, etc.

February 9, at 8: Just dropped by to say i have opened my Spreadshirt stores. Thank you so much Lisa. Enjoy and good luck with your sites! February 16, at 4: February 8, at Hi Lisa, Great podcast. Did I miss your affiliate link to Spreadshirt on this page?

Could you point out your link for me on this or another page?

can you make money using spreadshirt

But thanks for asking!! February 2, at 2: February 2, at 4: Don't subscribe All Replies to my comments By default, you will get notified if someone replies to your comment not all comments. Feel free to disable or change your options in the drop-down above. You can also subscribe without commenting. Make Money , New , Podcasts Comments Share Comments Shani says April 27, at 9: You would do the printing yourself? Wold need equipment, ect.

D I also find the directions on the Spreadshirt site to not be so clear. Hi Sofie, Welcome baaaaaack! Hi Lisa, In your Udemy preview you mention your Spreadshirt course is for student who at least have a blog, soical following, Youtube channel. Hey Lisa, I getting started today on your Udemy Spreadshirt course. Thank you for signing up. Thank you so much. I saw your review. Thinking keywords ideas to put in my site on the weekend.

Hi I have been struggling to find work for a while now. Hi Amber Not sure. Hi Amber, A certificate? As always, thanks for all your helpful tips! Wow this article is gold… make money from SpreadShirt.. Hi Scott, No prob. Thanks Lisa, another question, should have tagged on my initial ask. Thanks for the quick response, Scott. Hi Scott, No worries.

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Hey Lisa, How long did it take Spreadshirt to send you your first check? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Comment Name Email Website Don't subscribe All Replies to my comments By default, you will get notified if someone replies to your comment not all comments. Enroll In My Online Courses! Most Recent Posts New Site. New Lessons for YOU! Why Discounting is An Awful Long-Term Strategy Your Website Failing Fears: Get My Blog and Podcast updates Sign up so you never miss any of my new tips and tricks on my blog and podcast.

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