Can i make good money selling weed

Can i make good money selling weed

Author: zukanov Date of post: 29.05.2017

Before we start, go ahead and buy the DVD, how to make money selling drugs. Who gives you money? How do you profit from drugs? Well, you sell to people. Not sheep, horses or farm animals but people. And the easier, smoother and faster that exchange happens, with less hassle, the better it is for all parties. That means people that hit you up on your phone.

This applies to all drugs and even, all businesses. The customer base does not include employees who sell for you, bribed police on your side or your bodyguards. Your customer base is your revenue. It takes a while to build a customer base, but it starts with you.

It takes time to develop devoted customer and you need to be a reliable dealer. There are several steps. The best and easiest way, is of course through work. Shitty jobs, like restaurants in particular, or other low income establishments are prime for targets, people who smoke weed all the time or do harder drugs.

The other scene is the party scene, bars, clubs and house parties are where people sell harder drugs. Another scene to contend is fellow drug dealers, someone who snorts coke and sells it might smoke weed from time to time and will ask for it. The last of course, are colleges, universities, high schools, places where the young are, tend to be places where people want to do drugs. Below are three different groups that you can sell to.

If your starting out dealing, you will have to start with group 1 and then progress at group 2. Prices reflect standard to high quality marijuana! In one day of work: High schoolers, College students and old people. Other dealers and high budget potheads. Decent to high income potential. Dropouts, college students and low income workers. Gangsters and other big time dealers.

For more information on undercover cops, click here. Out of all the rules and bullshit you have to follow when your a dealer, you should remember one thing above all.

Prison … avoid prison at all costs. You can get arrested, but the courts have to convict you beyond a reason of a doub t. Do yourself a favor. Buy this fucking DVD. Even if you just plan on it. Shit is no joke. A former DEA agent flipped and lets you know all the little secrets for how he busted dudes. Buy the physical copy to show to your boys and other dealers that work under you.

One of your customers is driving with some marijuana they bought from you. They get pulled over, the cops search their car and find the marijuana. So, a little later your hanging out in bar with your customer friend when some guy walks up and your customer greets him. Then your customer introduces him as some badass weed seller.

You hang out with this cool guy and figure out that he had a crazy past and is an expert when it comes to marijuana. So while you feeling the buzz of alcohol, you spill your thoughts and tell this guy that he should join you in your marijuana deals. Many cops can fake that they smoke marijuana, but no one can fake a hit from a bong. So offer anyone new in your customer base a bong hit, if they reject, ask them why. That means cops can buy and sell drugs, as long as they can recover those drugs later.

So ask anyone in suspicion if you can buy a little marijuana off them and tell them that your going resell it. Again, back up everything to the cloud or dropbox or somewhere online where someone else can access it, like your fucking lawyer. This way, you have as much dirt on the undercover and the police department as they have on you. Furthermore, thanks to the internet, information is readily available.

You can casually ask them what high school they went to and look up that information online look at their myspace, facebook, etc. CIs are everywhere, and sometimes they get trapped into the system and have to do more and more deals. Informants are the lowest breed of humans, no loyalty, no concept of protecting those that helped them and no idea of what the game is.

Informants deserve everything coming to them.

can i make good money selling weed

Narcos are only for the big boys, but for small time worms like yourselves, CIs are the bane of your existence. Well, this is the drug game. What the fuck do you expect?

This will happen after the fact. After someone flips you, you inevitably will find out but you have to prevent them from testifying. Find them on Facebook, find out where they work or ask about them. But why a police baton and gloves? For one, unlike brass knuckles, which are super illegal or using a pistol to pistol whip someone, you cannot get in trouble for possessing a police baton, they are legal in practically every state and while they are suspicious they are also are retractable.

The thing is to do it quick. Once someone falls to the ground, start kicking them, hit them several times in the face. Teeth and noses are what you want to aim for. Anyway, again this is for someone that already flipped on you. You need to avoid them going into the courtroom and this is the only way, also you need to prove a point. The x10 rule is simple. Nigguhs talk, bitches talk, white boys talk, hoes talk, all girls and all guys talk.

So fuck all that bullshit. This goes further as well. Make up some excuse for how you make money. Do not ever physically say you sell, ever. If you follow the x10 rule, you should be okay for the most part. At the same time, if someone is selling and says it, pay attention. That may be someone you can flip or throw to the cops.

There are no rules or code of ethics to this shit. For someone that talks, make sure you get in their business and just listen and observe.

The problem is nigguhs love to talk. Now, it might be a serious urge to fucking talk but even back in my days, I would talk so much before I even got things off the ground I had police on me, and this was in high school.

5 Ways to Make Money as a College Student - wikiHow

Seriously, people fucking talk. You may have to remind even your customers from time to time to keep their fucking mouthes quiet. Honestly, this is what distinguishes a professional from an amateur. The phone you use to text hoes, the phone you use to text your Mom and regular people is fine to have; but do not keep photos of weed on there, do not use it to text for drugs and if someone texts you on it for drugs, drop them immediately.

Text them from your side phone. There are many reasons to use a burner…. But if you sell like two ounces a week or three or four, use a burner and change your number every month. Text your most valuable contacts your new number, tell this is just how business is done.

Smash the phone or erase all the information and donate it to Goodwill or something. At that rate, you can move fast enough and get rid of phones fast enough to avoid someone tracking you.

You should also should not have any online presence, get rid of your Facebook, use snapchat instead and that makes it convenient as you can know if someone is snapping your texts. Snapchat is the ideal app to use for drug dealers as it erases text history and makes it much harder to track you. Varying between Snapchat on your burners and calling and text and changing up your phone often will keep nearly all kinds of police off you. Do you see these flaming faggots? Want to avoid informants?

Deal with people who rarely if ever get in trouble with the law. College Kids, preppy kids, rich kids, nerds, basement dwellers and losers are far better than wanna-be wiggers, nigguhs, thugs, spics and gangsters. If someone is associating themselves with heroin or meth or harder drugs, they also deal with a tougher crowd and they bring risk into your world. The best way to start selling is to work at an upscale restaurant, or catering company or a warehouse or some shit. You may be friends with these people but imagine if you have an argument or get involved in a squabble.

Will they have your back? Good honest white people are great targets to sell weed to. And did you know girls smoke more weed than anyone else? Nearly every young girl in her 20s has smoked weed and many still will buy off you.

With informants, the way they busy you is with recording or with your phone,. Either way, an informant is gonna be wearing a mike or video camera and have undercovers in the area protecting him. To avoid getting heat, you grab the money and loudly say.

Those golden words will keep you out of jail. So why does it work? Did you drop those drugs off at the spot? Yes, probably but can they prove without a doubt?

Should I sell weed | HYPEBEAST Forums

No, you were just picking up money that your friend owed and they got a text or picked up some drugs. What are good drug drop off spots? Remember, you have to be convicted beyond a doubt. Change up your drop off locations, change up where you drop stuff off, do not associate drugs with you and always check and double check the location before-hand for anybody staring.

The less people or the less traffic there is the better. That means you have to see into the people you sell to and hang out and see if they would snitch on you. Snitches have many characteristics. These are big signs of a to be snitch waiting to happen. The third characteristic only is a tipoff for a snitch if the two above are also true, otherwise discard this rule.

If someone has never dealt with the police, believes in honesty all the time and is constantly afraid of the police, then they will snitch.

When your in a drug ring with someone, you must treat them as a equal… as a brother. In order to avoid prosecution, they snitch out on their employer or the drug dealer above them. Weed out the people that you think will be snitches. For more information about how not to get caught, click here. Instead of doing a dozen separate drug deals, you can just cash in by selling all your product in one big deal.

Although you will make a little less profit, you will reduce your risk tenfold if you sell bulk. Let others break it up and sell it for scraps. Of course, you can do small deals too, but selling marijuana in bulk is how you should make most of your money. The term bulk depends on your state. It could mean you sell from a couple of pound to half an ounce.

Go here to NORML and click here on the state. For example in California ; less then an ounce Which means, outside of your home you should never carry more then But… there is an exception. That means, your marijuana deals should play out like this… You should place the marijuana in a secret location before the deal.

Then leave the scene and call them and tell them the location of where you stashed their weed.

In this case, selling bulk would mean selling one to two pounds of pot. Now if you notice in Alabama, there are further penalties for selling to a minor or selling anywhere near a school or housing project. Therefore, you must choose a location to sell which is at least three miles away from any school or housing project. This may seem like a bitch to do, but 5 years of prison additional to whatever else your charged with, is no joke. Now, of course a marijuana deal involving an ounce is not as high risk as one involving a couple of pounds.

Remember your two biggest threats are people attacking you for your marijuana and undercover cops. Skip to content Make money and don't get caught! The utter truth and all of it.

The biggest news on the game coming up, stick around folks… Before we start, go ahead and buy the DVD, how to make money selling drugs.

How do you build a customer base? Careful not to ride around with it and never carry more on you than you intend to sell or smoke. As stiffer penalties come with the more you carry. If your selling them schawg shitty marijuana , then tell your customers and charge accordingly. Every dealer loves to say his shit is fire. A cannabis culture dealer will tell the truth. There are several scales to weed. This is part of building brand loyalty, and you, as a drug dealer, are a brand.

You sell your product but you act as the customer service of oyur agency. If you piss off your customer, you not only lose money, but the customer could turn to a snitch. Have a price set in stone that both you and the customer know that you will deliver on. Unlike gatorade or Nike shoes, there is not set price for drugs. There is no elastic competition, you can charge as high as your customer is willing to buy for.

Keep that in mind but remember to keep customers, your price should be low. The ideal way to think is what each customer will get out of your deal. If they get a lot, charge a lot. If they will get less value due to inferior product, then charge less. Occasionally give freebies to loyal customers. This is optional but makes the relationship a friendly, which is crucial all across the board. Group 1 Small budget potheads Low income potential In one day of work: For more information on attacks, click here.

July 13, August 5, by skyfly1 , posted in Don't get caught. Undercover Cops Out of all the rules and bullshit you have to follow when your a dealer, you should remember one thing above all. Do not meet customers at your house. SELL… FROM… YOUR… HOUSE.

How to start career in selling weed and advanced trafficking tips. : Drugs

If you think someone is a narco, make them take a bong hit, record it on your phone. Save it to your computer. Upload that shit to cloud because police will confiscate your computer and smash it if they have to.

They can buy and sell drugs. He will have to stop you or make up some excuse. Record the incident, use this in court if you have to. Imagine this setting… One of your customers is driving with some marijuana they bought from you. Follow the x10 Rule The x10 rule is simple.

Are you a professional? Then get a fucking burner.

can i make good money selling weed

There are many reasons to use a burner… Cops will sometimes go through random lists given to them by an informant asking for drugs, and the more you change your phone, the more you are immune to these kinds of attacks.

You can register a phone and get pre-paid minutes and pre-paid data without registering your personal data. So if someone gets ahold of it, they cannot associate it with you as easily. IMPORTANT AS FUCK Drug drop offs, make the police fight to come get you Alright, fam. May believe they are the most important in the group arrogant These are big signs of a to be snitch waiting to happen.

Remember, only you can prevent snitching. Why sell marijuana in bulk? For more information on how to sell, click here. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.

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